Lifting the mask to reveal a glimpse of a tortured soul plagued by mental illness.

This is a girl who smiles at strangers on the street, but doesn't know how to smile at herself in the mirror.
This is a girl who is always willing to help out a friend, but is reluctant to believe she is worth the same help.
This is a girl who gives her entire heart to those she loves, but can't seem to figure out how to love herself.
This is a girl who dons a socially acceptable "mask" each day so that others won't see the chaos brewing inside her.
This is a girl who falls into bed exhausted at the end of every day from pretending to be okay, but can't fall asleep because all she can think about is how okay she isn't.
This is a girl who battles demons every day in her own mind, but still runs up the stairs after she has turned out the light so the "real" monsters won't get her.
This is a girl who responds with "I'm well, thanks" when she feels anything but "well".
This is a girl who has become a master of portraying happiness, but struggles to remember a time she genuinely felt it.
This is a girl who encourages others to open up about their struggles, but feels like a burden when she does so herself.
This is a girl who feels a twinge of regret every time the alarm clock goes off because she realizes she woke up again.
This is a girl who "has it all together" and "has everything going for her", but crumbles more with each passing day as she watches the girl she used to be slip further away.
This is a girl who struggles with mental illness, but still has to actively battle the thoughts that SHE is the problem.
This is a girl who "doesn't look sick", but is on life support internally.
This is a girl who wants so badly to make a difference, but doubts she ever will.
This is a girl who suffers from PTSD, Bipolar Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, but still blames herself for the consequences of these diseases.
This is a girl with mental illness.
This is also a girl searching for hope.
This is a girl who will not rest until the stigma surrounding mental health is obliterated.
This is a girl who wakes up and walks onto the battlefield every day and isn't about to stop.
This is a girl who hurts so deeply, but is desperate to believe that the light is coming back for her.
This is a girl who is doing her best (even if she doesn't always believe that).
This is a girl who is raising her voice for all those who cannot yet speak for themselves.
This is a girl who will be heard.
These are the same girls.
